Monday, June 22, 2015

Into the Mountains

I took a painting class today online. This was the outcome.  I didn't like it while I was working on it, but now that I am finished and done, this is one of my favorite pieces yet.

This is available for purchase at

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

First Musical Blog- Running Home

For those of you (Hayden) who have been requesting some music, here is a song I wrote last year.  The chords are still a work in progress.  This was also my first time recording anything with my computer so the mic was too close.  I apologize, but just try to keep your sound low.  It seems to help.

I've been trying to put this as a video onto the page, but after two days it wasn't happening, so it is now on youtube.

 I wrote this song last fall when I was in a dark place.  I was struggling with completing my year of teaching while watching my friends move to California or New York in pursuit of incredible dreams.  It was hard watching people chasing their dreams while I felt trapped.  A few months before, some mistakes a friend had made came into light.  She is closer to God now, but I remember her being so scared I would judge her, but that isn't my place.  I struggle enough to tell black and white from gray without having someone else's choices to judge.  This song came from a time when I finally just gave up and gave it all to God.  It's a lot easier when you don't have to worry about writing your own life's story and knowing that "no matter how much we mess up, God will always put us right where he wants up." (Mark Christian)  

Monday, June 15, 2015

Piano buddy

If you follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram you already saw this.  I just couldn't help but repost this cutie.  Since I practice almost everyday, this is our new routine!

Last art class of the year

Well this was probably a month or two ago now, I just hadn't posted it.  I wish I had gotten more classes, but we just never had time.  This is from my final art class.  Clearly, I need to practice more.  I haven't practiced my drawing much lately, but hopefully I can get back into it.  I've been practicing my piano and guitar 30 minutes almost everyday.  I am finding piano much simpler to grasp than finger picking on guitar.  I would like to add drawing and writing to my regiment.  I'll get there eventually!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Important Public Service Announcement

For real, I need to send this to a few people. So annoying!!

Why was this not taught in school?  For some reason, for years I got confused between the two.  This makes so much sense!  I used this to teach my students this past year and it really helped.  Okay so today's post was not extremely imaginative, but consider it a public service announcement.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Life's Hard Questions

"This website has really interesting writing prompts. Some of them are really fun!"        
  If I were forced to spend the rest of my life in a library, museum, or zoo, I would probably pick the library.  In a museum, not much changes.  Zoo's are fun, but I am sure I would get bored.... or eaten.  Libraries on the other hand, are always full of ever changing adventure.
         All fiction books are written to take you on adventures.  You can go anywhere you dream using a book.  Books can bring relaxation or a sense of adventure.  I am reading a book right now that is just very relaxing.  It is leading me through an average woman's journey through her life.  It isn't very exciting, but books don't always have to be.
         Books create family.  How many of us cry over the deaths of our favorite characters?  Mine was in Harry Potter (spoilers),  When Sirius died.  I sobbed for a good hour.  He was my favorite character.  Finally, Harry had a family, someone to take care of him.  The characters in books are created to mirror human emotions.  I can be sympathetic with what the characters are going though because many times I have gone through the same problems.  At the least I can empathize with their feelings.
       If you really get bored, mystery thrillers will keep you on your toes.  You won't be bored after reading those for a few nights then sleeping in this library.  I am pretty sure all libraries would be spooky at night.  There are just too many places to hide.  That would certainly keep you on your toes!
        I do hope this library has a kitchen though.  Think of all the cookbooks!  I could become the worlds greatest cook!  Gluten free?  No problem, I cooked through 10 of those books a year ago.  On a diet?  Easy, I've read all the books and compiled the facts that were most prominent through out.  In fact, I live in a library!  I have so much time on my hands that I have tested all these theories and created my own.
         Even if I didn't HAVE to live in a library my whole life, I think I could choose to.   I certainly seemed to have convince myself that this would be pretty awesome!  I just hope this library has a piano.


So far you have seen some of my artwork as I blogged (very slowly) through the new year. I have many pictures that I just haven't added that I need to.  Hopefully, I can add some new writing exercises (also known as short stories) soon.  You may see some of my piano playing and guitar songs added, but we will see!